Scientist Panels & Mentorship

We provide several opportunities for youth to talk to scientists about their experiences, career pathways and passions. This includes undergraduate student, graduate student and researcher panels so that youth can hear from individuals at all stages in their career. Many of these scientists offer mentorship opportunities where they allow students to visit their labs and participate in activities such as lab meetings. This is great way for youth to establish a network early on and see different STEM-careers.

Here are some examples of our offerings:

  • UHN Summer Seminar Series

    In this virtual 2-day series, students get to learn about the different areas of science and research, and explore careers in these sectors. Students will participate in interactive panel sessions and hear from a variety of healthcare professionals and researchers at UHN.

  • Speak with a Scientist

    Students will get to converse with a scientist or attend a session where multiple scientists will talk about their experiences. The scientists will share their education and career journeys and then open the floor to questions. This can take place in-person or virtually.

  • Exploring Health Teams

    Do you love science/healthcare but also love art? business? or social science? In this program, students will get to learn about the many unique teams of people working in health care and the health science field. Hear about their background, career journeys and current projects over a virtual Zoom event.


Lab Tours


Hands-On Activities & Workshops